ECatalog Manager/.../Catalog designer/Sorting

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Each category supports different sorting options:

  • Default: takes the sorting option defined at Look and feel.
  • Custom: allows to define manually the sorting of each element. See below for a detailed explanation.
  • Name △ (ascending): sorts alphabetically from lowest to highest by the Name attribute of each element.
  • Name ▽ (descending): sorts alphabetically from highest to lowest by the Name attribute of each element.

The sorting feature is available from Configuration >> Catalog designer.

The sorting of a category can be chosen using the command Sort indicated by #1 in the figure:

Sort command available in Catalog designer
Sorting options

Custom sorting

If the Custom option is chosen, a new screen will appear allowing to change manually the sorting of the elements inside the current category.

Custom sorting
  1. Handler: handler used to move the elements to up and to down.
  2. Save: command used to save the new sorting of the elements.

  Even when categories can be mixed among items belonging to a category when sorting manually, have into account that categories are shown always at the beginning, after all the categories come the items.