ECatalog Manager/.../Views/View at 2 levels

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This view displays the items belonging to the second level of a hierarchy of categories. Thus the top-level categories (first-level) are displayed and can be selected in the left pane, the second-level categories (or subcategories) are displayed and can be selected in the top pane, and then the items of the subcategories are displayed in the central panel. The items created in the root of the hierarchy of categories are not shown in this view, nor the items belonging to a third-level categories or more nested levels. Items created in top-level categories (first-level) are shown in the central panel (if there are no subcategories in the category selected), or in a virtual subcategory called "Unclassified items".

Below are shown and explained each of the panels and sections of this view:

View at 2 levels
    1. Categories panel: this panel shows the top-level categories (or first-level categories), which were added to the root of your category hierarchy.
      Information icon4.svg Remember that categories can be marked as not visible for Guest or Anonymous roles which can be useful to hide categories of items used for the internal management of the business.
    2. Subcategories panel: this panel shows the subcategories (or second-level categories), those belonging to categories which in turn belong to the root of your category hierarchy.
      Information icon4.svg Remember that categories can be marked as not visible for Guest or Anonymous roles which can be useful to hide categories of items used for the internal management of the business.

      Crystal Clear app ktip.svg The top-panel (where subcategories are shown) is an horizontal slider that makes it easy to go through all subcategories by sliding it to left and to right.
    3. Items panel: this panel shows the items belonging to the selected subcategory. For each item is shown the small image, the name, description and the first visible price. If has been defined more than one price for the item, this view shows only the first visible one, but all visible prices will be shown in the Item view. Tapping on an item, the detail of the item is displayed in a new screen. Take a look at Item for more information.
      Information icon4.svg If the selected category doesn't contain subcategories, then this panel shows the items you have placed in the current category. If in turn the category contains subcategories, then a new virtual category with the name "Unclassified items" appears on the top-panel of subcategories allowing you to view the items in the selected category.
    4. App icon: Take a look at General configuration for more information.
    5. Catalog shortcut name: Take a look at General configuration for more information.
    6. Shortcut to the search engine of items: Take a look at Searching items for more information.
    7. Shortcut to the checkout workflow for Guest role: Take a look at Guest orders for more information.
    8. Item price and controls that allow to modify the quantity of the item of the current order.

    Information icon4.svg Take a look at Look and feel for customizing this view.

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